Who Created God?

The question “Who created God?” has been a central point of theological, philosophical, and metaphysical discussions for centuries. Here are some insights from various perspectives:

Theological Perspectives

  • Christianity: Most Christians believe that God is eternal and uncreated. According to Christian theology, God exists outside of time and space, and therefore, the concept of creation does not apply to Him. This belief is rooted in the Bible, where God is described as the “Alpha and Omega” (Revelation 22:13).
  • Islam: In Islam, God (Allah) is also considered eternal and uncreated. The Quran emphasizes that Allah is the first and the last, without beginning or end (Quran 57:3).
  • Hinduism: Hinduism presents a complex view with multiple deities, but the ultimate reality, Brahman, is considered eternal, beyond creation and destruction.

Philosophical Perspectives

  • Classical Philosophy: Philosophers like Aristotle and Plato discussed the concept of an “Unmoved Mover” or a “First Cause,” which set everything in motion but itself was not caused by anything. This idea influenced later theological concepts of God.
  • Modern Philosophy: Some modern philosophers argue that the question itself is based on a misunderstanding of the nature of God. If God is defined as a necessary being, then asking who created God is like asking, “What is north of the North Pole?”

Scientific Perspectives

  • Cosmology: Some scientists approach the question from the standpoint of the universe’s origin. The Big Bang Theory explains the universe’s beginning but does not address what, if anything, caused the Big Bang. This leads to questions about the nature of existence and causality.
  • Quantum Physics: In quantum physics, the nature of time and causality is more complex and less intuitive, which might suggest new ways of thinking about the origin of the universe and the concept of a creator.

Atheist and Agnostic Perspectives

  • Atheists: Many atheists reject the need for a creator, arguing that the universe can be explained through natural processes without invoking a deity.
  • Agnostics: Agnostics maintain that the existence or non-existence of God is unknown or unknowable, and therefore, the question of who created God is beyond human comprehension.


The question “Who created God?” leads to diverse and complex answers depending on one’s religious, philosophical, and scientific viewpoints. It often boils down to one’s beliefs about the nature of existence and the limits of human understanding.

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