Exploring Marxism: Key Concepts and Legacy

Today I stumbled on this topic and decided to read up on it, here is what I learned.

What is Marxism?

Marxism is a social, political, and economic theory originated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It centers on the idea that societies progress through class struggle between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and the proletariat (working class).

Key Concepts in Marxism

  • Historical Materialism: This concept suggests that the material conditions of a society’s mode of production fundamentally determine its organization and development.
  • Class Struggle: Marxism posits that history is driven by the conflict between different social classes with opposing interests.
  • Surplus Value: Marx argued that the value produced by labor, over and above the laborer’s own subsistence, is appropriated by the capitalist as profit.

Marxism in Practice

Marxism has influenced various political movements and regimes, most notably the Soviet Union and Maoist China. It has also inspired numerous social and labor movements worldwide.

Criticism and Legacy

While Marxism has been praised for its critique of capitalism and its influence on social theory, it has also been criticized for its association with totalitarian regimes and economic inefficiencies.

Learn More

  1. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy – Marxism
  2. History.com – Karl Marx
  3. Encyclopaedia Britannica – Marxism

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